

If we're on Mac and Windows, we're using boot2docker, and we need to run the equivalent of $(boot2docker shellinit). Shamelessly stolen from from Winston Chang's harbor

              boot2docker_shellinit <- function() {
  if (!(["sysname"] %in% c("Darwin", "Windows")))
  if (Sys.which("boot2docker") == "")

  if (boot2docker_ver() < "1.3.0")
    stop("Running boot2docker locally requires boot2docker >= 1.3.0")


Run shellinit and capture the output, which are comands setting env vars for sh. We need read them in and set them from R.

                envvars <- system2("boot2docker", "shellinit", stdout = TRUE)
  if (length(envvars) != 0) {
    envvars <- sub("^ +export +", "", envvars)
    envvars <- strsplit(envvars, "=")
    envvars <- setNames(pluck(envvars, 2), pluck(envvars, 1)), envvars)

boot2docker_ver <- function(){
  out <- system2("boot2docker", "version", stdout = TRUE)
  ver <- gsub("^.*?v([0-9\\.]+).*", "\\1", out[1])


              #' Build a docker image with server that serves model$predict and push it to a registry.
#' Available routes:
#' GET/POST          /            "OK"
#' GET/POST          /ping        "pong"
#' GET/POST          /predict     serialized output of predict as JSON
#' @importFrom productivus pp
#' @param model tundraContainer. A tundra container that contains necessary munge
#'   procedures and the predict function.
#' @param name character. name of the resulting docker image
#' @param registry character. Where will you push your image? Leave blank for
#'   pushing to docker hub, or specify your private registry.
#' @param dockerfile character optional. You can specify a custom dockerfile
#'   instead of the default one shipped with kunteynir.
#' @param server_script character optional. You can specify a custom server script
#'   that will be used to start serving the model inside the docker container.
#' @export
build_image <- function(model, name, registry = '', dockerfile = NULL, server_script = NULL) {

The goal of this package is to provide an easy way for analysts to convert their models into deployable applications. This is achieved by creating a Docker image that would serve the model's predictions as a RESTful service. By default the server will listen on port 8103.


We insist that the model is a tundraContainer. Check out

                stopifnot(is(model, "tundraContainer"))
  if(missing(name)) stop("You need to name your image.")
  dir <- tempdir(); on.exit(unlink(dir))
  saveRDS(model, paste0(dir, "/model"))
  build_args <- list(dir = dir)

You can provide your custom dockerfile and server script, instead of the ones in inst/templates.

                if (!is.null(dockerfile)) build_args$dockerfile <- dockerfile
  if (!is.null(server_script)) build_args$server_script <- server_script
  dockerfile <-, build_args)
  if(identical(registry, '')) separator <- '' else separator <- "/"

  cat("Preparing to build: ", registry, separator, name, "\n", sep="")

Build and push to the registry.

                system2("docker", paste0("build -t ", registry, separator, name, " ", dir))
  system2("docker", paste0("push ", registry, separator, name))

write_dockerfile <- function(dir,
  dockerfile = system.file("templates", "Dockerfile", package = "kunteynir"),
  server_script = system.file("templates", "start_server.R", package = "kunteynir")) {

  template <- readLines(dockerfile)
  data <- list(
    model_path = "model",
    start_server_path = "start_server.R",
    timestamp = Sys.time()
  writeLines(whisker.render(template, data), paste0(dir, "/Dockerfile"))
  writeLines(readLines(server_script), paste0(dir,"/start_server.R"))


              #' Convert a tundraContainer into a dockerized REST server.
#' @name kunteynir
#' @import stringr methods whisker
#' @docType package


              pending <- function() {



              pluck <- function(x, name, type) {
  if (missing(type)) {
    lapply(x, "[[", name)
  } else {
    vapply(x, "[[", name, FUN.VALUE = type)


              .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  if (["sysname"] %in% c("Darwin", "Windows")) {